EXEP3D – Concrete Printing for the Future

EXEP3D - Excellence Innovation

In Construction Engineering

TTK wants to become the leading competence center for concrete printing in the Baltic States

EXEP3D - 3D betoonprintimine uue revolutsioonilise tehnoloogiana ehitustööstuses

EXEP3D project

The EXEP3D project focuses on advancing 3D concrete printing technologies and sustainable mixture designs to enhance the scientific and technological capacity of TTK University of Applied Sciences (TTK UAS).

The international project lasts three years and collaboration with leading European universities (Eindhoven University of Technology and Dresden University of Technology), the project aims to position TTK as a European competence center in construction engineering.

New technology for the construction industry

Explore the revolutionary 3D concrete printing technique

“Cooperation with leading universities gives us unique knowledge in the field of 3D concrete printing and development of local mixes. “The project has the potential to renew the entire field of construction technology, providing the Estonian construction industry with a competitive advantage and at the same time supporting European sustainability goals.” said Aivars Alt who is the project manager of EXEP3D.
The project focuses on staff training, partnership building and applied research.

During three years, several study visits, seminars, competitions are conducted and new scientific results are published to support innovation in construction technology.

3D houses printing project

Project Duration:

36 months (september 2024 – september 2027)

Project Kick-off (September 2024)


Initial consortium meeting to set project goals and establish management structures.

Capacity Building Phase 1 (2024 -2025)


Conduct training sessions, study visits, and seminars focused on 3D concrete printing basics and technology setup.

Research and Development Launch (2025-2026)


Begin minimum formwork design research and develop sustainable mixtures using locally sourced materials.

Industry Engagement (2024-2026)


Establish collaboration agreements, host focus groups, and pilot innovative 3D printing solutions with industry partners.

Dissemination Phase (2027)


Discuss project requirements, timeline, and budget with our team of experts.

Final Event and Project Closure (December 2027)


Present project results, publish final reports, and outline sustainability strategies for post-project continuation.

Expected Results

  • Creation of cutting-edge 3D concrete printing designs and mixtures.
  • Improved scientific profile of TTK and strengthened European partnerships.
  • Increased knowledge transfer to industry stakeholders and future professionals.

Contact Us

Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
+372 507 7641